goood morning!
hello and welcome to my site, although it is infinitely far away from those mythical websites that give my website self-esteem issues - this is my little nook on the infinite web and i appreciate your appearing here.
well otherwise, hi hello, i'm arachne and i'm a net obsessor. css is not a language i'm terribly familiar with but i think i'm getting the hang of it, and hopefully that will show as i continue to build my little website as though it is my child in my womb
who am i?
i'm a university student who likes arthropods and making whatever i decide to make. i like to write and program and whatnot, and (eventually) you can find my little pet projects here on this site.
otherwise i'm pretty reclusive, even online, but if you think i'm neat then check back in from time to time and maybe i'll have a contact me page (or something). thanks for visiting! mwah mwah <3
little note
i am fully aware that i am using the evil generic website layout, frankly i think its really nice but i will get around to making my own layout and going through the tedious process of applying it to the navi pages when i feel like it