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[ADMIN] IMPORTANT: Do NOT Click Posts from 'madmother'

Posted by: Admin

Heads up, everyone. We've been dealing with some issues on the site recently involving a user by the name of 'madmother.' This user is causing a major disruption and, frankly, we're not sure how to handle it yet. They’re reportedly a hacker and we've had trouble banning them. We’re working on it, but in the meantime, DO NOT click on any posts from 'madmother.' They’ve been messing with things, and some users have reported problems just by viewing their threads. If you see any of their posts, just avoid them for now. We’ll update you as soon as we know more. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[EARTHQUAKES] The 1989 San Francisco Earthquake: A True Apocalypse?

Posted by: Seismologist84

On October 17, 1989, Northern California was rocked by the Loma Prieta earthquake, measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale. It devastated the Bay Area, killed dozens, and caused massive damage to buildings and infrastructure. Some members have been wondering if this was just a natural disaster or if there’s something more at play here. With all the strange reports of people feeling 'something's off' before it happened, could this have been an omen? Let’s discuss whether it could be a sign of something bigger, maybe even an apocalyptic event. Anyone here feel like this earthquake was... different?

[CULTS] The Rise of the “Lords of the Dawn” and Their Rituals

Posted by: ShadowLurker

There’s talk going around about a new religious group called the “Lords of the Dawn.” They’ve been growing in numbers, mostly in urban areas, and their teachings sound like a mix of New Age spirituality and doomsday prophecy. They’ve been mentioning visions of 'the end of the world' and claiming to have communications with beings not of this Earth. I’ve heard some of their rituals are a bit disturbing—nothing concrete, but it’s all too much to ignore. Anyone else hear about them or know more? Is this just another cult, or are we dealing with something darker?

[UFO SIGHTINGS] The 1989 UFO Wave: Close Encounters Over the Midwest

Posted by: SkyWatcher91

Something strange has been going on lately. There’s been a massive uptick in UFO sightings across the Midwest, especially in places like Michigan and Illinois. People are seeing strange lights in the sky—some say they’re military tests, but the sheer volume of reports makes it hard to believe it’s just a coincidence. There are even rumors that these lights have been showing up near areas that are supposedly 'off-limits' to the public. If anyone has seen anything unusual in their area, I’d love to hear it. Could this be a government cover-up? Or something worse?

[MYSTERIES] The Disappearance of the USS Scorpion: Revisited

Posted by: HistoryBuff

There’s been renewed interest in the disappearance of the USS Scorpion, a submarine that vanished in 1968 under mysterious circumstances. The official explanation is that it was an accident, but a lot of people still don’t buy it. Now, we’re hearing about similar unexplained disappearances—military and civilian. Is there a connection? What if these incidents are tied to something more supernatural? I don’t know if we’ll ever get the full truth, but I think there’s more to the Scorpion story than we’ve been told.